I am very happy- Sad that it took so long, but the reason why it did take so long was because Consplayers had schedule after schedule hopping from one con directly to another- also the daughter is the only one doing the website alone. I sent them an email on monday, explaining that they said it would be 2 weeks or a little more, and I had to give some sort of answer to our cosplayers that were waiting. I actually asked for a date in which they would be able to issue them so we weren't in some sort of cloudy grey area about it. Then the next day they were uploaded!
The pictures are very fun to look at! I know we did take more group pictures than that so I am wondering if we were all looking all over the place in those and the ones we got are the best ones- chery and I payed more money, so we actually got more pictures than we had planned ^_^