So, I've started watching this series (my first new series in like...four years) and it's pretty badass. Magical girls that belong to the military? Attacks that aren't wand waving and giant hearts, but bullets and punching and giant cannon blasts? Weapons that are GIANT SWORDS and GUNS and DRILL MALLETS?! This is NOT your typical magical girl anime, and it's all the more awesome for it.
In fact, my love for this anime is so much that I've decided to cosplay from it. I will be making Teana Lanster, who wields a pair of guns that turn into gun+energy knife/chakram thingies. Teana is awesome and I love her.
If anyone would like to join me in this venture, please feel free!
This is the original team:
Clockwise from top left: Vita, Signum, Fate, Nanoha, Hayate (center)
This is the special ops team, Mobile Six (the original girls are the commanders of Mobile Six):
Clockwise from top: Hayate, Caro (pink), Erio (spear), Fate, Subaru (blue hair), Nanoha, Teana, Reinforce (on Hayate's shoulder)