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Author Topic: Advanced techniques  (Read 9288 times)
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PVC *Gekidan*
Ninja in Kitchen
Posts: 56

#1 Musume Fan

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« on: September 13, 2007, 03:07:21 PM »

Here's where I'm going to be putting specific advanced techniques - they aren't totally necessary, but if you feel like it, do it! These techniques look especially good on stage, but if done with a light hand, they can look awesome in photographs too!

I'll be covering:
  • Highlighting and contouring
  • False eyelash application
  • Advanced eyeshadow techniques

And that's probably it unless someone has a request or thinks of more  Wink So let's get going, shall we?
PVC *Gekidan*
Ninja in Kitchen
Posts: 56

#1 Musume Fan

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« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2007, 03:23:25 PM »

Highlighting and contouring can give you a ton of impact without a lot of effort - it can make your nose look smaller, your face look thinner, accent your cheekbones, and give you an overall "model-y" look. And all that you need is a slightly shimmery powder three or so shades lighter than your skintone, and a matte powder two or three shades darker.

Step 1 - The nose
This is the place that's most often done on asian women - a lot of girls in japan do it every day! To contour your nose, simply use your middle finger to pat the dark powder from your eyebrows all the way to your nostrils. If this is for stage, don't be afraid to go heavy! As stated in the stage makeup topic, it may feel ridiculous, and look funny in person, but it looks great on stage. You can also add a highlight to make it look even more contoured by using your eyeshadow brush to apply your highlight powder to the top of your nose, as well as to the skin between your eyebrows. That T shape will make your nose look even thinner!

Step 2 - The cheeks
Cheek contouring has been done for years and years and years. It can give you cheekbones when your face is really round (like mine), thus making your face look thinner! To contour your cheeks, before you apply your blush, use your blush brush to sweep a line in the hollows of your cheeks. Don't know where those are? Suck 'em in! The part that goes inwards is the hollow of your cheek. Don't forget to blend!
Afterwards, clean your blush brush and apply blush to your cheekbones. To highlight, simply apply your highlight powder to the tops of your cheekbones - right above where the blush is. Voila! Instant prominant cheekbones! You look more modelesque already.

Step 3 - The face
Most people don't contour the face very often, but it's quite easy! Simply take your dark powder on your blush or powder brush, and apply it from your temples along your jawline, and under your chin. Highlight the "cupid's bow" of your mouth (the little dip on your top lip), and the roundest part of your chin. That's it!

Easy peasy, no?
PVC *Gekidan*
Ninja in Kitchen
Posts: 56

#1 Musume Fan

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« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2007, 03:34:35 PM »

I've never actually done this myself, so look to this space later while I take some time to attempt it XD
PVC *Gekidan*
Ninja in Kitchen
Posts: 56

#1 Musume Fan

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« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2007, 03:45:01 PM »

Or "Three colors just isn't enough for me, Tris!!!!"

Heh. Anyway. Eyeshadow (and eye makeup in general) is a place where people tend to go nuts - I've seen as many as NINE colors on each eye! After a while, it tends to get a little muddy...but five looks nice, adds definition, and is a little more advanced for those of you who feel that three colors just aren't enough.

For this technique, you will need:
  • a light, medium (or bright), and dark version of the same color.
  • A shimmery highlighting shadow
  • A very dark complimentary color (black compliments everything)
  • An eyeshadow brush (or as many as you'd like)

Step 1 - The lid
After you've applied the thick layer of powder under your eyes, apply the medium color shadow over your entire eyelid with your eyeshadow brush. Once again, don't be afraid to apply it heavily!
Clean your brush with a tissue, and apply the light color to the inner corner.
Clean your brush again, and apply the darkest color to your outer corner. Make sure to blend so it doesn't look like you have three stripes on your eyes!

Step 2 - The crease
Apply the dark colored eyeshadow to your crease with your shadow brush.
Clean your brush, and apply your black/brown/whatever on your "outer v". Basically, this is the last inch or so of your crease, in a V shape to the corner of your eye. I can guarantee it will look funny to you, but I can also guarantee that it will give your eyes a ton of definition!

Step 3 - Highlighting
Apply your highlight shadow under your eyebrow and to the first 1/4th underneath your eye.

Apply your liner as discussed in the basic makeup thread, and you're ready to go!
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