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Author Topic: SAC ANIME AUGUST  (Read 12249 times)
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« on: July 08, 2009, 02:25:44 PM »

August 29 and 30
Radisson Hotel
500 Leisure Lane, Sacramento CA 95815

MASQUERADE & Fashion Show

Sac Anime Summer 2009 Masquerade All sign up for the Masquerade ends at 1pm on Saturday. Prejudging will begin 2pm on Saturday Check In is at 4pm, Cosplayers will be seated at this time Photograph Session will follow when check in starts Pre-Reg Seating will be at 5:30pm The Masquerade will begin at 6pm
PVC Members
Ninja in Training
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« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 01:08:36 PM »

If anyone is going to this, I'd love it if you'd be in my skit!

My father and I have written a parody to the song YMCA that goes "CON-PIX-dot-NET" instead. We want to get some friends together to record the track, and then get into random costumes and go on stage to perform it.

This would only require one or two meetings before the masq. to record and rehearse. It's nothing big, just a way to promote my dad's site to a bunch of new people who will be coming for the first time (and also have an opportunity to showcase a costume that doesn't go with another skit) because the website has been bought by some people that have viruses all over the page and we don't want anyone going there by mistake.

As far as characters go, it really doesn't matter. The skit will start out "Hey guys, this is a poorly crafted crossover skit! But first, a word from our sponsors:" At which point we burst into song. After the song is over, one person gets to tell a really lame joke (TBD) and we all get to make fun of them and walk off stage.
So you see, if you have a wonderful costume and nowhere to wear it, this would be a good chance for you.

Thanks for reading!
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2009, 01:17:50 PM »

LOl thats so cute!  Cheesy
I'd love to do it -_- but I'll spare everyone the details as to why I can't make it this time. Seems everyone has the same green paper gripe! and it gets kinda repetitive to hear how much worse they are than you@_@

BUT! If I were to go, YAH! I'd do it! I know some people you know and I know are scheduled to go!
PVC Members
Ninja in Kitchen
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« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2009, 12:34:34 AM »

I *REALLY* like that idea as well -- but I'm not sure if I will be going or not.
PVC *Gekidan*
Ninja in Kitchen
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« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2009, 01:24:33 AM »

I'll be there. But i always get there late in the afternoon and never make it in time for masquerade check in.
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2009, 12:05:05 PM »

Yeah damn it- if I could I could wear so many kewl things that are waiting to be worn again ahhhh!!
PVC Members
Ninja in Training
Posts: 21

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« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2009, 03:29:30 AM »

Meh, oh well. I can't get it together either. Maybe we can still do something random if we meet up in time for the check in.
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2009, 12:51:02 PM »

Kimiko is going too with her girls ^_^ they might help out see what they are doin!
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